

其實我們的心智(頭腦)是生活在過去的記憶裡,而我們的身體的細胞和組織郤儲存著過去的負面的記憶和情緒,這些負面的記憶和情緒沒有被適當地釋放,會一直儲存在身體的細胞和組織中,這時只要在日常生活中有一點小事情出現就會引爆這些記憶,所以負面的情緒也會隨之而來;而心智(頭腦)又沒被操練過,心智(頭腦)往往是跟隨著身體的記憶和情緒在做事,並非跟著靈性(靈魂、高我)在做事,如果我們常靜下心來察覺自己是處在身體的或是情緒的,心智(頭腦)就不容易被身體和情緒給帶動,反而會選擇靈性(靈魂、高我)處在平靜中。 ~~Stella~~  

     These past few days, I have been quieting my mind and often entering into a deep meditative state. I have a sense of peace, bliss, and joy which enables me to calmly deal with some life’s challenges and stress. On top of that, I could even see myself in third person. Sometimes I saw my own body and emotions fighting against each other whereas other times, my mind was constantly under the influence of my body as well as emotions. Even more interestingly, I watched my soul undergo the emptiness of all the existence. 
     This experience makes me realize why people would have a hard time letting go of their suffering. The truth is that past memories dictate our mind/brain and what's more is that our body cells and tissues carry emotional memories from the past. Without proper release, these emotional memories carried by the cells of our bodies will be easily triggered once something happens. And that is when all negative emotions start sinking in. Our untrained mind/brain responds to our memories and emotions as opposed to our spirituality(soul/ higher being). If we can tell what we are responding to, we will find peace by choosing spirituality(soul/higher being) over emotions and memories.



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