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Last week, I had a 2 1/2 year-old girl, who maybe was the youngest client I ever treated , come in to see me. According to her mother, her little girl hasn’t smiled for over half a year. Without saying anything, the little girl frowned at me.  When I spoke to her mother, I found out she was a professional engineer before getting married and becoming a full-time housewife.  Due to the uncertainty of her life purpose and values, she started thinking about returning to work.   So one morning she put the little girl in daycare without telling her beforehand. One top of that, the mother has been unknowingly passing the negative energy caused by a sense of uncertainty to her little girl.    As the result, the little girl felt abandoned.  I used angels’ spirits to help the little girl overcome her traumas and restore her spiritual energy balance.  After the therapy sessions, the little girl started talking with a smile on her face.  After seeing what happened, the mother said to me, “She’s back to her old self.” I replied, “Yep, indeed.  However, you still need to find out the purpose and values of your life. Otherwise, your daughter will not be completely healed.”   Meanwhile, I also counseled the mother and made her realize how importance her role was in her daughter’s childhood.  Eventually, the mother and the little girl went home happily.  Many grown-ups believe that children are too young to understand what is going on while the truth is that children’s hearts are so pure that they can actually sense it, even without we adults saying anything.  Despite I have not got any kids of my own, I am very fond of kids.  I know they have pure hearts. I enjoy being around with them. I feel that I can have a genuine relationship with them without wearing a mask.  With them, I can just be myself.


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