



Love Is Being Able to Let Go  

We tend to repeatedly give in to emotional blackmail demands by friends or close schoolmates due to the fear of losing them. I have a close friend who has been stuck in an emotional pit of  confusion for long periods of time. Instead of dealing with her own emotions, she always blames other people for things that go wrong in her life. She constantly calls me up to vent hysterically. Once she gets everything off her chest, she would say, "I am done. Well, this is the way I am." She has been holding others responsible for how she feels. Despite my best effort to help, she refused to take any of my advice, for instance, seeing a counsellor/therapist. Situations like this, have been going on for nearly a year. 

I am really tired of her emotional blackmail. About four months ago, she did it again. She behaved with verbal violence towards me for no reason. At that point in time, I decided not to be subjected to her emotional blackmail and verbal abuse anymore. I worked up the nerve to tell her that she should stop calling me and start taking ownership of her life that she felt victimized. After getting off the phone with her, my whole body was shaking and I felt very weak. I miss her but I know I have to let her go so that she can learn her life lessons. Ever since then every time I contemplate what happened between me and her, my emotions would be eating me inside. I could feel my insecure inner child rises to the surface and is in fear of being judged and perceived by others as heartless and uncompasionate. I took my own responsibility for feeling insecure and fearful by spending time accompanying and taking care of my inner child. Right there and then, I had an epiphany that my inner child had carried a lot of unnecessary emotional baggage since my young age.  

In the past two weeks, I noticed the same old things would reoccur cyclically in a new disguise (this is so called "eternal return").  Looking back at how I dealt with this incident between me and my friend, I realized that I began to know how to say no to people's unreasonable requests. Simultaneously, I heard my inner child was telling me that I deserved to be respected. On top of that, I no longer felt scared and insecure. I was not even afraid of being described as ruthless or heartless. I don't need to prove my self-worth though this. I am glad that I decided to dispel this negative energy four month ago so that my inner child could be healed and taken care of. Now I can truly, clearly and surely tell myself that I REALLY deserve to be respected. 

Love is being able to let go, trust, and humble. 


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