
人們最怕的是面對自己。我想告訴大家「不要怕」,只有勇於面對自己,才是真正的療癒,我在這個「金星星際村」社團裡,願意開放地分享我的自我療癒過程,就是為了讓大家了解,面對自己不是可怕之事,只有面對自己才能真實地活出自己,活出快樂,這是做人的最基本條件。從小到大,在學校、在家裡、在社會裡,沒有人教我們如何處理情緒,同理自己,如何與自己相處和愛自己;只是往外比較,往外看、往外抓;沒有人教我們要往內看,去關懷自己到底是怎麼了,才會造成我們面對自己是那麼地困難,其實一點也不難,是有方法的,只要你們願意面對自己,才能真實活出自己。套用犀利人妻女主角說的一句話,「不要怕」我們大家一起加油!  stella                                                           

Be Brave - Face Yourself  

Many people's greatest fear is to face themselves. However, I strongly encourage you not be afraid of facing yourself. True healing can be accomplished only when you find the courage to face yourself. The reason I am willing to openly share my own self-healing process at this 'Mars Global Village' facebook group is because I want to make people understand that facing yourself is not scary at all. In fact, it is the only way to discover your wholeness. Everyone is searching for some form of happiness in his or her life. However, no school, society or even our family has ever taught us how to deal with our emotions; have compassions for ourselves and how to be with and love ourselves as we grew up. No one has ever taught us to look inward and ask ourselves what is going on inside of us rather than  looking to our outside life for our happiness. As a result of that, we find it difficult when it comes to facing ourselves. However, it is not that hard at all and there is a way to get around it. So long as you are willing to face yourself, you can certainly live your life the way it was meant to be lived. As I quote from 'The Fierce Wife', a drama TV series: "Don't be afraid!" Come on everybody, we can do it.  


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