隔天醒來後,整理房間時發現有一根羽毛在地坂上,天使,昨夜真的在協助我清除罪惡感,今天靜心時發現我的身體空間變大了,而且感覺到我的DNA在改變中,很可能會從2股轉變為12股,不管怎麼樣,我釋放了過去的能量,重新找回新能量,也再次的肯定自己是配得到一切,我是豐盛的,我是完美的,我是神聖的。 I spent these days clearing a feeling of guilt and a deep sense of undeserving and unworthiness that I have had from my past-life experience. But because these old beliefs were still "up" in my energy field, during my meditation, I asked all the angels to help me let go of the guilt in the past ; remember I am God's perfect child; and remove the impact in any time span due to my personal mistakes. The next day, I woke up and found a feather on the floor. Indeed, the angels were helping me clear the feeling of guilt. I felt the space in my body was bigger and my DNA was in the process of changes. Throughout the whole experience, I replaced my past-life energies with brand-new ones.
Also, I was willing to relieve all the feelings of guilt and loved just the way I was. While working on the clearing, I had a nightmare one night. In the dream, I saw a very scary devil's face yelling at me. The devil's face was constantly changing and screaming at me. I felt that it was going to eat me alive. I looked at the face nervously and kept telling the devil that I was God's child, the light of the world, and love. I was perfect and have forgiven myself and everything else.
And then, the devil's face became more and more blurry. Shortly afterwards, I woke up and found out I was still saying something like I was love and perfect and I am deserving. My body was going up and down and my hands were open wide, almost like I was trying to grape something. I tried to feel my heart. Apart from feeling nervous, I had no fears.
Meanwhile, my body was slowly back to normal. I thought to myself, 'Wow, I did not have any fears at all. How could it be? If it were in the past, I would be scared to death and broke into cold sweat.'
Suddenly, I thought of my inner child and checked upon her. She looked at me and jumped around excitedly. I softly said to her, 'We have won the battle and now go to bed."
All in all, I start to believe again that I am deserving, worthy, abundant, perfect, and holly.